Episode 19: Jeffrey Way, Laracasts and BDFLs

Well known PHP/Laravel nice-guy Jeffrey Way from NetTuts and Laracasts joins regular guest Zack Kitzmiller to discuss the wonderful world of Laravel once again. This time the discussion focuses on some of the silly complaints people have with an otherwise wonderful system, and on the reusability of its packages. Laracasts - “Hi, I’m Jeffrey. What would you like to learn today?” Modernizing Legacy Applications In PHP - Get your PHP code under control in a series of small, specific steps DBAD (Dont Be a Dick) Public License - Something between WTFPL and MIT Illuminate - The components that make up the Laravel PHP framework Laravel: Envoy - Elegant SSH tasks for PHP

Well known PHP/Laravel nice-guy Jeffrey Way from NetTuts and Laracasts joins regular guest Zack Kitzmiller to discuss the wonderful world of Laravel once again. This time the discussion focuses on some of the silly complaints people have with an otherwise wonderful system, and on the reusability of its packages.